Monday, February 21, 2011

Things that make you feel good

  • Warm Chocolate Chip Cookies
  • Clean sheets (preferably high thread count sateen sheets)
  • Warm towels fresh from the dryer, even better if they smell like fabric softener
  • A good book
  • Completing a tough workout
  • Dutch brothers coffee, a cocomo hits just the right spot
  • Seeing a flirty baby smile at you
  • Playing with puppies
  • Fresh air and sunshine
  • A good pair of well fitting jeans
  • Meditation
  • Hugs


  1. Do you really meditate? I mean, I could try but my bet is that I'd fall asleep.

  2. Yes, its relaxing and it gives me a chance to zone out and just be. It doesnt make you want to sleep because you just focus on your breathing and in with the good, out with the bad energy. Its good for you and it helps you clear your head and focus. You should try it, if you fall asleep then you call it a nap, if you dont then you call it meditation. :)
