Friday, March 11, 2011

Irrational Fears

I want to talk about fears today, and how my fears make me seem neurotic. I have many fears and most of them are irrational and hard to understand, but these are my fears and can help explain a little bit of what goes on in my head.
So I have the basics covered snakes, spiders, scorpions,and that kind of thing.  But what happens when your harmless, irrational fear of spidersturns into nightmares? Quite often I am jostled out of a deep sleep at night because of a spider dream that wakes me up and becomes real.  Let me explain this a little more, I have woken up MANY times only to shriek, jump out of bed, throw all of my blankets on the floor and proceed to hit them until the dream spider is squished. Usually by the time I start hitting the blankets I have figured out that it's just a dream and that there isn't really a spider lurking in my blankets waiting to bite me. It never seems to stop me or make the dreams go away because I often wake up feeling like there's a spider hanging over my bed, which then freaks me out, and makes me get out of bed only to then swat at my blankets some more.  I am so freaked out by spiders that I have a spray can of hot shot in my room just in case I ever do see a spider; my house is NOT spider friendly. As if my wierd spider dreams werent enough to get you thinking that Im wierd I have MAAANY more wierd fears. Port a potties for example? They scare the bejeezus out of me! Something about the combination of smell, confined space, lack of sanitation and knowing that you potty on other peoples potty. I happen to be a flush kind of girl, letting it linger is not my style so it really really creeps me out when you see other peoples potty just sitting there being all gross and shit. What if it splashes? What if its full? What kind of bacteria is on the door handle when you touch it? I shudder at the thought. I used to have really bad dreams of people getting stuck if port a potties when I was younger, Im pretty sure thats where my irrational fear of disgusting portable toilets comes from. I have another one which is more recent and quite odd if you ask me. Im not sure how I have come to have this fear but it is here none the less. Lately as I have been driving to practice in the mornings it has still been really dark out. (Silly observation, of course its been dark I leave my house at 5:15am!) I drive under a few bridges on my commute and every time I drive under a bridge lately I have had the wierdest, creepiest thoughts. Every time I drive under them I get worried that somebody is going to commit suicide and jump from the bridge and land in front of or on top of my car. Seriously!!?? Who has these thoughts/fears!? There is one bridge that is near my house that is a really large bridge in our area and a few people have commited the deed and made the jump. I remember reading an article in the paper a couple years ago about a guy who jumped and landed on a ladies car. Talk about scarred for life, I dont know what I would do if that happened to me. Well, to be honest I would probably shit myself, scream my lungs out and start bawling oooor pass out. Passing out seems like the most likely thing to happen knowing my history of passing out and having a weak stomach. I feel like because it is so dark out when I drive under these bridges that I wouldnt know if somebody was even on top of them let alone be able to see them until they were right in front of me. Lets see what else? Not like you need anymore entertainment for the day but Im sure I have more irrational fears...Oh yes, cemetaries!! These are right up there with spiders, scarier than port potties and almost as scary as my bridge fear. Cemetaries freak me out because well, they are the final resting places of dead people. DEAD PEOPLE! There are BODIES, under that soil. BODIES!!! REAL ONES!!! I dont go to them because they freak me out so much, I cannot walk by them and I avoid driving by them at all costs. If I do have to drive by a cemetary I wont look at it at all. I dont know what it is, but there is something seriously creepy and eerie about cemetaries. I cant explain it but Ive always had this wierd fear, but apparently Im not alone there are others out there just like me; possibly worse that also have a fear of cemetaries. This fear is also known as coimetrophobia, just in case you were wondering.
Ok well I think thats all for now, but if I can think of any of my other fears Ill make sure to post them so you can get a good laugh at my expense.

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